Get Informed.
What OUR People Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
Saturday, May 15 from 11 am – 12:15 pm

Join us on Saturday, May 15th from 11 am – 12:15 pm via Zoom. Our black and brown communities have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and have lower confidence when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines given deep-rooted mistrust in the government and medical community. However, it’s important that we all get the facts on COVID-19 vaccines, so we can help save more lives and one day get past this pandemic. So this workshop will feature a medical expert to help explain COVID-19 Vaccines and answer questions that are on the hearts and minds of people in our community. We will also feature a few testimonials of people who have gotten vaccinated in our community and share a few helpful resources from the Ad Council’s COVID-19 Vaccine Education Campaign.
About Our Guest Speaker
Dr. Chris Pernell
- Board certified in preventive medicine @ University Hospital in Newark, NJ – First-ever Chief Strategic Integration and Health Equity Officer
- Public health specialist and social change agent
- Phenomenal academic career – Princeton University, Duke University School of Medicine, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, and Johns Hopkins
- Bloomberg School of Public Health General Preventive Medicine Residency
- Speaks nationally at events on COVID-19 / vaccines / etc.
- Father died from COVID-19 and her sister suffered from it too so she has lots of great personal stories