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In association with:
In association with:
Agape Men’s Fellowship will be sponsoring a Family Day to The American Museum of Natural History in New York City on April 16th. This Family Day event is open to everyone. The discounted price of the tickets is $28.00 for adults, $15.00 for children under 13, and $20.00 for seniors. The ticket price includes entrance to the museum and the World Beyond Earth Hayden Planetarium exhibit. Charted bus transportation is an additional $10 and will include lunch. Proof of COVID vaccination (for all people five years and older) and government ID will be required. Please note that the bus will be leaving Agape at 10 am.
You will have access to local attractions including Central Park. We will be taking deposits in the narthex after service.
Provision for those that come to him in a season of mourning the fulfillment of God’s promise in Isaiah 61:3
In association with:
We will be having a Vaccination Event starting February 6 at 10:30 AM until 3:30 PM both in the Fellowship Hall. We will be testing every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the times posted above (except for Monday, 2/7/2022). We will also be vaccinating again next Sunday, February 13th, at the same times posted above.
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